The Christian Stress Reduction and Weight Loss Program

This is the revolutionary wellness program that combines the best of chronic stress reduction and simple but effective health strategies to help you succeed in Losing Unwanted Fat while you Relieve Your Stress.  We help you to accomplish the dual goals of healing the effects of stress while you lose weight (assuming that's also your goal).  However, as a stress reduction program we believe this to be the best self coaching program available anywhere. We accomplish this through a "Christian Whole Person Health" approach that teaches you how to integrate health of body and mind and spirit. The result is not only dramatic loss of extra fat for those whose goal is weight loss but also the healing of your self image as you learn to limit and heal the effects of chronic stress in your life. The unique Christian spiritual disciplines help you to quickly turn off the damaging effects of stress in your life-- the same stress that is helping to keep you locked in an unhealthy body. Discover the keys to controlling chronic stress. Discover Christian Whole Person Health!

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