Art Talk'n

Welcome to Art Talk'n!   If you want your children to grow in creativity and the joy of art, or you want these for your own life, you have found a great place to start.   Particularly designed for beginner and intermediate art students, Art Talk'n will guide you along the journey of becoming an artist.  The unique strategy combines the same level of information you would receive in a university level Studio Art program with techniques and lessons that can be understood by most children and almost all adults.   The program allows you to "plug in" at the level that fits you best and will provide long term challenge for you for months and years to come.

When you purchase the monthly membership course, you'll get the first week FREE!  That means that if you're not completely sure that Art Talk'n is for you, you can find out without risking your bank balance.  You still have to sign up as though you were buying it, but you won't be billed for a week--so if you do decide not to go through with the subscription at any time during that first week, simply cancel and you won't be billed!

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