Restless Leg Relief

In this program I bring to you the best of a variety of non medicine strategies.    I also avoid the multitude of herbal strategies that are promoted for this problem.    You will discover within the most effective flexibility program that I have seen in more than 30 years of medical practice and the key lifestyle strategies that will increase your odds for relief from your Restless Legs to more than 90%.   You may not need to do everything in the program to get relief but it all works together as part of a healthy lifestyle

Restless Leg Relief Program

In this unique program you will receive the best of the strategies that I have employed in more than 30 years of Family Medical Practice. Ā  Ā Because my medical approach is more wholistic, I include several non traditional but very effective strategies that all together make a big difference. Ā  This is actually a wellness program for your muscles. The time spent in creating this program and the details are actually worth 4 times what the cost is, but I want to make it affordable for the average person. Ā  If you follow the program it really works. Ā In the small number of people who would still need medication, I find that this program is still very complimentary and reduces the amount of medication needed.

$97.00 USD